Here are some publications arising from our 2021 meeting by some of our distinguished speakers.
Closing the gap in dermatology training: Introducing Skin of Colour Training UK
Dominique Dao, Oluwadamilola Jagun, Shahd Elamin, Dijon Millette, Hannah Wainman, Cher-Han Tan, Marisa Taylor
First published: 02 June 2024
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1002/jvc2.468
The 2021 UK census revealed that the skin of colour (SOC) population increased from a little over 7.8 to 10.9 million in the last 10 years.1 Despite this, SOC images are underrepresented in medical education,2 and research has shown that 54% of Dermatology trainees in the UK lacked confidence in managing SOC-related conditions, echoing similar findings amongst Dermatology trainees in the US and Australia with similar population shifts.3-5 Additionally, 86% of UK dermatologists felt inadequately trained in managing hyperpigmentation, a prevalent concern in SOC.6
The Skin of Colour Training Day UK: training the medical workforce in ethnic dermatology
O. Jagun, P. Banerjee, D. Thompson, M. Taylor
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1 February
2022, Pages 245–246
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14800
It is with great pleasure that we introduce this special Skin of Colour issue following our first virtual Annual Skin of Colour Training Day, which took place on 29 January 2021. The event was hosted in collaboration with the recently formed British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) Skin Diversity Sub‐Committee and The Dowling Club.
Skin of colour (SOC) is an umbrella term used to describe individuals with 'non' white (Fitzpatrick IV–VI) skin types. These skin types are prone to hyperpigmentation and scarring [1]. Although imperfect and vague, the term is often used in the literature to describe people from various racial and ethnic groups including those of African descent as well as Asian (Indian subcontinent, East Asia, Southeast Asia), Middle Eastern, Native Americans and Hispanics [2].
Structural and functional differences in skin of
C. Iwuala, S. C. Taylor
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1 February
2022, Pages 247–250
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14892
The term ‘skin of colour’ (SOC), refers to individuals of African, Latinx, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and Indigenous descent. These individuals typically have darker skin tones compared with white individuals and they often present with unique disorders of the skin or with common disorders that have a unique appearance. Certain skin conditions commonly associated with SOC patients, in contrast to individuals with lighter skin tones, are explained by structural and functional differences between this population and the white population. Variations in functional differences between these two groups are dependent on structural differences in melanosomes, stratum corneum, epidermis and dermis. Understanding the structural distinctions between white populations and SOC populations will provide insight into common disorders in SOC patients, including hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, dry skin, scaliness, xerosis, sensitive skin and keloids. Furthermore, understanding structural and functional skin difference will encourage more research regarding aetiology of disease and therapeutic interventions.
Differential diagnosis and management of
J. Yoo
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1 February
2022, Pages 251–258,
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14747
There is an increasing recognition of ethnic dermatology to reflect the increase in skin of colour (SOC) populations in the UK. Hyperpigmentary disorder is one of the commonest skin concerns in SOC but there has been limited training available in this field of dermatology. Variations in skin colour are genetically determined by the amount of melanin content, the eumelanin/pheomelanin ratio and the size of melanosomes, but is also influenced by other factors such as hormones and extrinsic factors such as ultraviolet radiation. Hyperpigmentation is a broad term to describe increased pigmentation in the skin, and making a correct diagnosis is an important first step in the successful management of hyperpigmentary disorders. A systematic approach based on the disease pathogenesis (e.g. reactive vs. nonreactive, increased melanin vs. increased number of cells or epidermal vs. dermal pigmentation) aided by a detailed history and clinical examination is the best way to diagnose a hyperpigmentary disorder. Based on its pathogenesis, management can be planned. For epidermal hyperpigmentation caused by increased melanin, topical skin‐lightening agents targeting inhibition of tyrosinase or melanosome transfer and promotion of keratinocyte turnover can be used. Hydroquinone‐containing cream is the gold‐standard treatment for epidermal hyperpigmentation. Alternative treatments include laser toning or chemical peels. However, increased dermal pigmentation is more challenging to target with topical treatments. If hyperpigmentation is due to increased numbers of melanocytes or keratinocytes, high‐fluence laser is the most appropriate treatment method.
Acne and rosacea in skin of colour
T. Maruthappu, M. Taylor
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1 February 2022,
Pages 259–263,
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14994
Acne and rosacea are common inflammatory skin conditions present in numerous racial and ethnic groups. There are distinct differences in clinical presentation, exacerbating factors, potential triggers and consequences of both conditions in individuals with skin of colour (SOC), classified as Fitzpatrick skin types III–VI. For example, acne can be complicated by the development of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation and keloid scarring in SOC, and this can influence treatment choice. Although rosacea is reported less frequently in SOC, this may be the result of delayed diagnosis or late presentation due to the difficulty in discerning the classic features of erythema in darker skin tones. In such cases, additional clues in the medical history and clinical examination may assist in making the diagnosis. This review aims to summarize nuances in both the diagnosis and management of these two common skin conditions in patients with SOC to support clinicians in providing an individualized treatment approach.
Skin lightening: causes and complications
M. Sommerlad
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1 February 2022,
Pages 264–270,
Read more: https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14972
Skin bleaching, also known as skin lightening, is the deliberate lightening of an individual's skin tone without medical supervision. The causes are complex, multifactorial and often intertwined, although the unifying themes centre around a belief that lighter skin denotes an individual of higher status, socioeconomic background or physical beauty, than their darker‐skinned counterpart. Skin lightening is achieved using agents that block the production of melanin and often contain drugs such as hydroquinone, superpotent topical steroids or mercury. These drugs can cause serious local and systemic complication. Skin‐lightening compounds are illegal in most countries throughout the world; however the industry is worth billions of dollars annually, and the agents can be easily obtained by individuals seeking to lighten their skin. Dermatologists are in a unique position to identify those at risk of using skin‐bleaching agents, manage complications and give advice on the physiological variation in pigmentation and how to avoid using skin‐lightening agents to treat dermatological conditions. To manage the belief that lighter skin is better, societal level change is required to ensure that people of all skin tones are represented in the media.